§1 Validity of the terms and conditions
1. The deliveries, services and offers of Schlebach AG shall be exclusively
exclusively on the basis of these terms and conditions, even if they are
not expressly agreed upon again. With the order of the goods
or service, these terms and conditions shall be deemed accepted. General
Conditions of purchase of the buyer are hereby rejected. Deviations
from these terms and conditions are only effective if we confirm them
confirm them in writing.

§2 Offer and conclusion of contract
1. The offers made by Schlebach AG in price lists, advertisements and on the
Website are subject to change and non-binding. Orders shall be binding for
Schlebach AG only after written confirmation. Order confirmations
shall only be issued upon express request.
2. The information in our sales documents (drawings, illustrations, dimensions, weights and other
Dimensions, weights and other services) are only to be understood as approximate values
and do not constitute a guarantee of properties, unless they are expressly
they are expressly designated as binding in writing.

§3 Prices
1. The prices stated in our order confirmation are authoritative.
2. Unless otherwise agreed, the prices are exclusive of transport costs,
incl. 8 % VAT.

§4 Delivery and performance time
1. Dates and delivery periods are non-binding, unless expressly agreed otherwise
otherwise agreed in writing. The specification of certain
Delivery periods and delivery dates by Schlebach AG shall be subject to the
Subject to the correct and timely delivery to Schlebach AG by suppliers and
by suppliers and manufacturers.

§5 Default of acceptance
1. If the buyer refuses to accept the delivery items after expiry of a grace period
the delivery items or declares that he does not wish to accept the goods
goods, Schlebach AG shall be entitled to refuse the fulfilment of the contract and
Claim damages for non-performance. Schlebach AG shall be entitled
shall be entitled to claim damages either at a flat rate of 25 % of the agreed
agreed purchase price or compensation for the actual damage incurred by the buyer
Damage actually incurred by the buyer.

§6 Delivery
1. Visible differences in quantity must be reported immediately upon receipt of the goods, hidden
Differences within 4 days after receipt of the goods to Schlebach
Schlebach AG and the carrier in writing.
Complaints regarding damage, delay, loss or poor packaging shall be
poor packaging must be reported immediately upon receipt of the consignment
immediately after receipt of the consignment.

§7 Transfer of risk
1. The risk shall pass to the buyer as soon as the consignment has been handed over to the person
Person carrying out the transport. If the dispatch
delayed or becomes impossible through no fault of our own, the risk shall pass to the
Risk shall pass to the buyer upon notification of readiness for dispatch. A
agreed assumption of transport costs by Schlebach AG in individual cases shall not
AG shall have no influence on the transfer of risk.

§8 Warranty
1. The warranty according to the following provisions shall be
1 year, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
2. The warranty period shall commence on the date of delivery. If our
Operating or maintenance instructions are not followed, changes are made, parts are
Parts are replaced or consumables are used
which do not correspond to the original specifications, any warranty shall be cancelled,
insofar as the defect is attributable to this. This also applies
this also applies if the defect is due to improper use, storage and
Handling of the devices, or third-party intervention and the opening of devices
is attributable to this. Insignificant deviations from warranted
Characteristics of the goods do not trigger any warranty rights.
3. Liability for normal wear and tear, as well as consumables/accessories
Accessories/used batteries/rechargeable batteries is excluded.
4. Warranty claims against Schlebach AG are only available to the
direct purchaser and are not assignable.

§9 Retention of title
1. The delivered goods shall remain the property of Schlebach AG until full payment has been made
Schlebach AG.

§10 Payment
1. Payment shall be made by credit card debit. In addition, the
Provisions of the credit card issuer shall apply.

§11 Limitation of liability
1. Claims for damages arising from impossibility of performance, from breach of contract,
from culpa in contrahendo and from unauthorised
Action, are excluded against us as well as against our vicarious agents, insofar as
Vicarious agents are excluded, except in cases of wilful intent or gross negligence
negligent behaviour. For consequential damages from the use of the
Products is excluded.

§12 Data protection
1. Schlebach AG shall be entitled to store the data concerning the
business relations or in connection therewith, irrespective of
whether they originate from the buyer himself or from third parties, in accordance with the
Data Protection Act.
2. Personal customer data shall be treated confidentially and shall not be disclosed to third parties
passed on to third parties.

§13 Place of jurisdiction
1. Basel is the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship
disputes arising directly or indirectly from the contractual relationship. The
The legal relationship shall be governed by Swiss law.
Schlebach AG

Basel, 03.08.2017