Schlebach AG regularly donates Basel drums and other drum paraphernalia manufactured by us to honour outstanding musical achievements at the various drum and piper competitions and prize drums.
The following is a list of all the drummers who have been presented with a drum donated by us in recent years:
- Kimon Künzler, winner of the official Bryysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: SoloDuo Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension, calfskin and sherpa case
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the TamTour Trophy in Liestal. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string pull, calf skin
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the TamTour Trophy in Schwanden. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string pull, calf skin
- Nicolas Gehrig, winner of the official Bryysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: SoloDuo Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension, calfskin and sherpa case
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the TamTour Trophy in Mümliswil. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string pull, calf skin and Sherpa case
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the TamTour Trophy in Brig-Glis. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string pull, calf skin and Sherpa case
- Nicolas Gehrig, winner of the official Bryysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Old. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of TamTour Trophy in Möhlin. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension, calf skin and Sherpa case
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the Central Switzerland Drum and Pipe Festival in Kirchberg. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 4-string slide, calfskin and sherpa case
- Dominic Liechti, 2nd place at the Central Switzerland Drum and Pipe Festival in Kirchberg. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string slide and calf skin
- Marcel Loosli, 3rd place at the Central Switzerland Drum and Pipe Festival in Kirchberg. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string tension and calfskin
- Dominic Liechti, winner of the TamTour Trophy in Fribourg. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension, calfskin and sherpa case
- Stefan Freiermuth, Winner Basler Bryysdrummle, Category: Old. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string tension and calfboard
- Andrin Hersberger, winner of the Basler Bryysdrummle, category: Young. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-strings and calf skin
- Marcel Loosli, winner of the Eastern Switzerland Drum and Pipe Festival in Lüchingen, category: T1, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string pull and calfskin incl. case
- Andrin Hersberger, winner of the Eastern Switzerland Drum and Pipe Festival in Lüchingen, category: TJ1, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string tension and calfskin incl. case
- Jérome Kym, winner of the Central Switzerland Young Drum and Pipe Festival in Steinen, category: TJ1, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string tension and calfskin incl. case
- Andrin Hersberger, 2nd place at the Central Switzerland Young Drum and Pipe Festival in Steinen, category: TJ1, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string slide and calf skin
- Yannick Amherd, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Young. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string and calf skin
- Dominic Liechti, winner of the 1st Schlebach Masters: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string and calf skin
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Old. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string tension and calfskin
- Enrico Schnydrig, winner of the Oberwalliser Tambouren und Pfeiferfest in Erschmatt, category: T1J. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string tension and calfskin
- Christophe Avanthay, winner of the Féte Romande des Tambours et Fifres in Sierre, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin
- Grégoire Trincherini, 3rd place Féte Romande des Tambours et Fifres in Sierre, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin
- Timothée Jamin, winner of the Eastern Switzerland Young Tambourine Festival in Näfels, category: T1J. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string slide and calfskin
- Domat-Ems Drum Corps, winner of the Eastern Switzerland Young Drum Corps Festival in Näfels, category: S1J. Donation: Aluminium drum with 3-stage string pull and calfskin
- Maurice Weiss, winner of the Central Switzerland Young Drum and Pipe Festival in Entfelden, category: T1J. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the Federal Drum Festival in Bulle, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string slide, calfskin and sherpa case (congratulations on becoming Swiss champion)
- Christophe Avanthay, 2nd place at the Federal Drum Festival in Bulle, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string slide, calfskin and sherpa case
- Dominic Liechti, 3rd place at the Federal Drum Festival in Bulle, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string slide, calfskin and sherpa shell
- Jérôme Kym, winner of the Central Switzerland Young Drum and Pipe Festival in Arth, category TJ1. donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string slide, calfskin and sherpa case
- Silvan Karlen, winner of the Oberwalliser Jungtambouren und Pfeiferfest in Saas-Balen, category TJ1. donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string tension, calfskin and sherpa case
- Gino Baranzelli, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Young. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-strings and calf skin
- Nicolas Gehrig, winner ZJTPF 2017 in Lenzburg, category: TJ1. donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-stage string tension and calf skin
- Stefan Hösli, 6th place (best from Eastern Switzerland) OTV-Tambourenfest in Wädenswil, category: T1, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calfskin, 3-string slide and case
- Elias Fux, 1st place OWTPF in Guttet-Feschel, category: T1, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calf skin and 3-step string pull
- Luca Pellissier, 1st place Fête de l'ATFVR in Conthey T1J, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calf skin and 3-string slide
- Philipp Meyer, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Old. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-strings and calf skin
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the ZTPF 2016 in Möhlin, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string lock, calfskin and Sherpa case (The Schlebach team is proud of its managing director)
- Avanthay Christophe, 2nd place ZTPF 2016 in Möhlin, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string lock, calfskin
- Egger Fabian, 3rd place ZTPF 2016 in Möhlin, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string lock, calfskin g
- Simon Zermatten, 1st place Fête de l'ATFVR in Sierre, category T1J, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calf skin and 3-string slide
- Elias Fux, 1st place OWTPF in Saas-Grund, category: T1J, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calf skin and 3-stage string pull
- Maurice Weiss, winner of Offiziells Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: young (and old). Donation: Thin-walled wenge wood drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin>
- Elias Fux, 1st place OWTPF in Bürchen, category: T1J, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calfskin and 3-string slide
- Christophe Avanthay, 2nd place Western Switzerland Drum and Pipe Festival in Carouge, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calf skin and 3-stage string slide
- Simon Zermatten, 1st place Fête de l'ATFVR in Saviesé, category T1J, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calf skin and 3-string slide
- Patrick Hersberger, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Old. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-strings and calf skin
- Nicolas Gehrig, 2nd place, 32nd ZJTPF 2014 in Mümliswil, category: T1J. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin, case and bandolier
- Philipp Gisler, 1st place, 32nd ZJTPF 2014 in Mümliswil, category: T2J, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin
- Christophe Avanthay, winner of the 26th ETPF in Frauenfeld, category: T1, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calfskin, 3-stage string tension, case and bandolier
- Philipp Gisler, 1st place ETPF in Frauenfeld, category: T2J, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calf skin, 3-stage string pull, case and bandolier
- Luca Mazza, 1st place OWTPF in Ergisch, category: T3J, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calf skin and 3-step string pull
- Simon Zermatten, 1st place Fête de l'ATFVR in St-Maurice, category: T1J, donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with calf skin and 3-string slide
- Nicolas Gehrig, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Young. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-strings and calf skin
- Elias Fux, 1st place 10th FRJTF in La Tour-de-Trême, category: T1J. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin
- Kiran Doshi, 2nd place 31st ZJTPF 2013 in Erlinsbach, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin
- Jan Künzle, winner of the OTPF 2013 in Kreuzlingen, category T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin
- Daniel Locher, winner of the OWTPF in Niedergesteln, category: T1. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-step string tension and calf skin. Sherpa case
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of Offiziells Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Alte. Donation: Thin-walled wooden drum with 3-string and calfskin (The Schlebach team is once again proud of its managing director)
- Pascal Briggeler, 2nd place, EJTPF 2012 in Savièse, category: TJ1. donation: Wooden drum with calfskin and 3-stage string pull
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the ZTPF 2012 in Liestal, category: T1. Donation: Wooden drum with calfskin, bandolier and sherpa case
- Elia Blöchlinger, winner of the ZTPF 2012 in Liestal, category: T2J. Donation: Wooden drum with calfskin
- Absil Jéremy, winner of the OWTPF in Zermatt, category: T1J. Donation: Wooden drum with calfskin
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of Offiziells Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Alte. Donation: Wooden drum with calfskin (The Schlebach team is once again proud of its drum maker)
- Kevin Küttel, winner of the 30th ZTPV young tambourine and piper festival in Zunzgen, category: TJ2, donation: Beech wood drum
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the 19th Western Switzerland Drum and Pipe Festival in Cernier, category: T1. Donation: Beech wood drum (The Schlebach team is proud of its drum maker)
- Thierry Varonier, winner of the 70th OWTPF in Zeneggen, category: TJ1. donation: Ash wood drum
- Maurice Weiss, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Junge. Donation: Wooden drum
- Marisa Annen, winner of the 29th ZTPV Jungtambouren- und Pfeiferfest in Rothrist, category: TJ2, donation: Ash wooden drum with calfskin
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Alte. Donation: Wooden calfskin drum (The Schlebach team is proud of its drum maker)
- Ivan Kym, winner of the 25th ETPF 2010 in Interlaken, category: T1, donation: Wooden drum with case
- Michael Rickli, winner 25th ETPF 2010 in Interlaken, category: T1J, donation: Wooden drum with case Fasnachtszunft Ryburg, winner 25th ETPF 2010 in Interlaken, category: Section I, donation: Cabinet trestle!
- Salim Azzouz, 1st place, 28th ZTPV Jungtambouren- und Pfeiferfest in Laufenburg, category: TJ2, donation: Walnut drum with calfskin
- Seth Müller, 2nd place, OTV competition in Winterthur, category: TJ1, donation: Maple drum with Sherpa drum case
- Dominik Büchler, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Young. Donation: Aluminium drum
- Patrick Schnyder, winner of 1st EJTPF 2008 in ZofingenCategory: TJ2. Donation: Wooden drum with drum case Sherpa and bandolier.
- Christian Wenger, winner of the 21st ZTPF 2008 in BiberistCategory: T3. Donation: Wooden drum, stained beech with Sherpa drum case and bandolier.
- Thierry Varonier, winner 21st ZTPF 2008 in BiberistCategory: TJ1. donation: Wooden drum, stained beech (third drum won within 2 years, congratulations!)
- Thierry Varonier, winner of the 67th OWTPF in EggerbergCategory: TJ1. donation: Wooden drum stained beech, Sherpa case and bandolier
- Ivan Kym, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in BaselCategory: Alte. Donation: Aluminium calfskin drum
- Stefan Freiermuth, winner of the 27th ZTPV Jungtambouren- und Jungpfeiferfest in LaupersdorfCategory: TJ1. donation: Wooden drum made of poplar, Sherpa case and bandolier
- Raymond Nalesso, winner of the 18th Fête Romande in FribourgCategory: TJ1. donation: Wooden drum made of ash with calfskin, Sherpa lining and bandolier
- Thierry Varonier, winner of the 66th OWTPF 2007 in StaldenriedCategory: TJ2. Donation: Cherry wood drum with calfskin
- Moreno Abert, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Young. Donation: Wooden drum
- Michael Woodtli, 1st place ZTPV Jungtambouren- und Jungpfeiferfest in SpiezCategory: T1, donation: Wooden drum made from poplar
- Pascal Caviezel, 3rd place ETPF 2006 in BaselCategory: T1, donation: Aluminium drum
- Fabian Troger, 2nd place ETPF 2006 BaselCategory: T2, donation: Aluminium drum
- Christian Bregy, 1st place ETPF 2006 in BaselCategory: T3, donation: aluminium drum: Aluminium drum
- Dario Ammann, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Boy. (Dad congratulates!) Donation: Wooden drum
- Egger Fabian, winner ZTPV Jungtambourenfest and Pfeifferfest in Rothrist, category: TJ1. donation: Wooden drum with bandolier and case
- Grégoire Trincherini, winner of the Westschweizerisches Jungtambourenfest in Marly, category: TJ1. donation: Brass drum
- Daniel Locher, winner of the OWTPF 2005 in Visp, category: T1. Donation: Wooden drumTV Wädenswil, winner OTV 2005 in Wil, category: S2. Donation: Drum major baton
- Alain Martin, winner of Offiziells Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Alte. Donation: Wooden drum
- Daniel Locher, winner OWTPF 2004 in Naters, category: TJ1. donation: Wooden drum
- Dario Ammann, winner of the Offiziells Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Junge. (Dad congratulates!) Donation: Wooden drumIvan Kym, winner of ZTPF 2004 in Langenthal, category: T1. Donation: Wooden drum
- Michael Woodtli, winner ZTPF 2003 in Ittigen, category: T2. Donation: Wooden drum
- Pascal Caviezel, winner of Offiziells Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Alte. Donation: Wooden drum
- Christoph Hänggi, winner ETPF 2002 in Sierre, category: T2. Donation: Aluminium drum
- Daniel Kolp, winner of Offiziells Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Junge. Donation: Wooden drum
- Pascal Caviezel, winner of Offiziells Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Old. Donation: Wooden drum
- Daniel Locher, winner of OTV 2001 in Lüchingen, category: TJ1. donation: Wooden drum
- Lukas Minder, winner of the official Brysdrummle & -pfyffe in Basel, category: Young. Donation: Wooden drum
- Daniel Locher, winner of ZTPF 2000 in Basel, category: TJ2. Donation: Wooden drum
Schlebach AG is a member of StadtKonzept Basel.
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The StadtBon can be redeemed directly in the Schlebach AG shop.